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avery jane vs. richard mann s monstercock

I have known the big homie ISinnXXX for a couple years. He is the guy that trained Nasty Bitch Kitty Jaguar s holes. He told me he had this knew Black Slut he was training and asked me to come down and help out when she was ready.
Of course I could. That day came about 2 weeks ago. ISinnXXX asked me to come down for a few shoots, one of them with Avery Jane. He told me she was ready for a good stretching.
I went down not knowing what to expect. When I got there I found this thick lil bundle of joy ready to get her holes stretched. She was damn ready for it to. I could barely get ready cause she was tugging on my dick wanting to do some BTS before the shoot. This lil Slut was ready. When the scene started and I went to slide in her pussy was super tight but as I slide in inch by inch I could feel her pussy getting wetter and wetter. By the time I got the whole dick in she was nice and super wet, pussy relaxed, loose and ready to be used
I could see the homies ISinnXXX had been

  • 00:27:22
  • May 25, 2022
  • 393


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