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her eyes promise us everything!

Yurizan Beltran takes a shower... This California-born beauty of Mexican ancestry has the timelessly sultry Latina looks so many of us love! She looks deep into our eyes as she poses her 32DD-26-32 body in a skimpy cutaway animal print teddy which she quickly tugs aside to show us her hardening nipples and drenched pussy and ass. She directs the shower spray all over her long brown hair, beautiful tits, and spread clam, sitting down on the floor of the stall and fingering herself before sucking on a dildo which she stuffs into her hole and between her cleavage. But some of the very best shots are at the end, when she just stands before the cameras in the shower with the water pouring down on her head as she peers into our horny hearts, cups her tits in her hands, and licks her lips at us in a promise of unrestrained lust and sex!

  • 00:21:49
  • Nov 13, 2011
  • 241


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