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desperate girl gets banged by the one

So Im at the XXXpawn shop doing inventory on a slow day. When this little misses walks in carrying a whole lot of jacket. First, I asked her name and she told me her name was Mariah. Mariah told me she needed to sell this jacket to fly off to some city, I cant remember the name. Because her Uncle right on top of the turkey on Thanks Giving Day and she need to settle his estate. When she told me she was short on cash and had only a few days to get this done I knew I had my way to her vagina. And boy was she a good looking girl. Mariah had natural tits and a nice sized Ass. She also had a very pretty face with a good sized mouth. So I talked her into brass tacks and asked her how much her plane ticket costs, she said 300. Well I told her I’d give her a 100 for the jacket. She was in shock. Perfect, now my sale pitch. Mariah was desperate to get this done so I told her we can continue negotiation in my back office where I can fuck her brains out and in return I would give her her bus tick

  • 00:48:36
  • Dec 15, 2016
  • 635


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