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anal pleasure

I couldn t believe my luck! The only time I try to steal something and I get caught! The other girls pinch stuff all the time. I was worried I d get locked up or beaten or worse. Luckily the boys were more interested in some personal gratification which suited me just fine. First they allowed me to suck their cocks and soon they were plugging me from both ends. It felt really good. I never knew Anal could feel so hot! Soon they had Fucked my chocolate starfish and were busy DPing me. It was funny because they thought that I wouldn t enjoy it but the disciplinary nature of it all had me dribbling from both lips (with a little help from their cocks). Soon Corporal Brossman pulled out of my ass and splattered my puckered bumhole before the Major yanked off onto my face. Then they left so I figured I d take the gear anyway. I got the gear and a good hard fucking so I skipped home happy!

  • 00:24:03
  • Feb 09, 2006
  • 358


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