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slick in the sauna!

One of our top models, Wivien, pleasures herself in a sauna in a Best of 1BD classic! When this blonde Hungarian beauty--a veteran of fifteen appearances on our site--opens her robe to reveal her 34DD-25-37 body, you will feel yourself getting overheated too even if you re on the North Pole! Once she takes off her bikini, Wivien oils herself until her body is slick and gleaming. Her nipples harden and pop up like stones as she pours and rubs the oil over every inch of her form. You’ll love the huge closeups of her slippery boobs standing proud and suckable as she masturbates to relieve the pressure in her juicy pink slot! If only we could volunteer our tongues for that job!!

  • 00:19:19
  • Jun 17, 2007
  • 273


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