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pay tribute to the goddess!

Today we have Aria Giovanni appearing in a Best of 1By-Day classic! Her curvaceous body--the kind that has inspired painters throughout the centuries--recalls the sexy voluptuous movie stars of the 50s and 60s like Sophia Loren, Gina Lollobrigida, Marilyn Monroe, Rhonda Fleming, and Jayne Mansfield.A whole slew of lesser known but equally worthy ladies whose shapes enraptured men worldwide! If Aria had flourished in that earlier era, she could have played cruel ancient queens in gladiator movies--she has the perfect face for it. How beautiful the words “Throw him to the crocodiles!” would have sounded coming from her sensual lips under those exotic eyes! In this great set from our archives, Miss Giovanni is shown off in all her splendor. Whether she is smiling warmly or pouting with a sultry stare, she is a goddess awaiting our sticky tribute!

  • 00:12:05
  • Jun 24, 2007
  • 318


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