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oh those lucky blue satin sheets!

Maya looks stunning in her sexy lace lingerie, stockings, suspenders and garter belt. Watch her masturbating her ass and pussy in and out of her sultry get up!Chillin in her room looking like a rock star, Maya really gives us a show! I had my dick in my hand within the first 30 seconds! She completely seduces, with her gorgeous face, perfect pear sized titties, and a sweet shaven pussy you could gobble for days! Her feet are like magic, and when she peels her pantyhose off, I felt my dick jet off to the moon, like someone lit a fire off under it! A lucky dildo finds its way into her asshole, darn dildo! Hey Maya, I ll bet that dildo cant give your asshole a hickey. I sure would! Wink wink.

  • 00:22:28
  • May 14, 2008
  • 174


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