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she makes him ache to squirt!

We present Deniska, driving Thomas crazy with her size nines. The handsome couple start out dancing in their living room, pulling off some graceful moves, and then slide easily into leg and foot worship. Deniska has strong toned gams in some uniquely designed cutaway high-heeled sandals, and soon Thomas is licking her toes and insteps. She takes out his cock and sucks it, then rubs it between the sole of her shoe and her stiletto heel. Eventually the shoes come off so Thomas can more fully suck her wiggly digits and receive an incredible footjob.Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews capture terrific angles on Deniska as she primes her man s pork with her skilled peds. She sits on Thomas s shoulders and strokes his inches from above, until the tip of his prick is shiny with arousal and aching to squirt. But Deniska teases him further by straddling him in the cowgirl position but not putting his meat into her box--instead she rubs it with her soles. Ultimately Thomas stands over her and she tugs his tool until finally he can t take it anymore and litters her soles with his cream. Deniska sucks every last drop off his dick, and then presents her messy soles to us in a huge closeup!

  • 00:19:09
  • Feb 03, 2012
  • 192


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