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big boob event of the year!

It is a dream line up with Joanna Bliss and Katerina Hartlova getting down to some big tits play and lesbian action for you. This is going to be one of the big boob events of the year so make sure you don t miss it as these two top heavy heavyweights go toe to toe and nipple to hard nipple in a sapphic sex scene of gargantuan jug proportions! It all starts with a sensual massage with plenty of oil as Joanna rubs Katerina Hartlova down from head to toe (and everything in between), but soon the girls swap places and Katarina rubs a naked Joanna down. Loads of sexy tit play for you in this amazing scene... ENJOY!

  • 00:25:35
  • May 13, 2008
  • 366


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