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pissing beauties!

Our Sexy Zuzana got a little banged up while out playing some sports so she went to get checked out by new cummer Iris who was more than happy to help. Iris offered a loving touch which is exactly what Zuzana needed. Needless to say it didn t take long before these two babes were going at it, licking and fingering each others pussies and ass holes like it was going out of style. Buy the time these two lusty babes came up for air it ended up being one of our hottest lesbo sets to date, giving us hot non stop action from beginning to end with both girls having huge multiple orgasms one after another. Just when we thought they were done Zuzana had other things in mind, arching her body upwards and taking a piss, showing new cummer Iris her even naughtier ways. Iris wasnâ??t about to let Zuzana have all the fun, following her lead she spread her pink and took a piss of her own.

  • 00:26:57
  • Mar 09, 2008
  • 271


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