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sex kittens eating gourmet!

Sexy Mia La Roche is back for another naughty good shaggin, and this time she brought her friend Ally along, inviting her back to her place for a little play time after a long day at the mall shopping for their winter socks! The tanned and totally fit teen beauties jump onto the bed and our surrounded by a multitude of colors, from the hot pink bedding, to the clips in their hair and the sexy socks and panties they are both sporting. It s like a Willy Wonka pussy factory! They get to kissing and caressing each others sexy bodies, moaning in complete pleasure the whole time while they suck and slurp each others tight snackers. Teasing each other with every touch. Mia gets into Doggy lifting her ass up high in the air and Ally starts licking and kissing her as she pulls her panties over to the side. Ally then gives Mia s pussy a good licking over before they enjoy the pleasure of each other in 69, and damn does it look divine! Licking and playing with each others wet twats making sure that full satisfaction is in order. They took turns licking and fingering each other back and forth before breaking out their double headed toy, both girls sticking an end in their mouth and giving it a saliva saturating suck. Mia sticks the fat end of the toy inside Allys pussy and starts fucking her tight twat before sticking the other end inside herself. Both girls moving their hips and rocking their bodies back and forth as their double-dong works its way in and out of their juicy holes. Mia gets back into Doggy and Ally fucks her tight ass from above, slipping the toy deep inside her horny tight hole as Mia happily holds her ass wide open. Mia then flips herself upside down so she could watch as Ally fucks her ass, reaching up and spreading her cheeks far part so she can get the full treatment. Wow, from socks to sexual gymnastics, our kind of girls!

  • 00:34:59
  • Dec 20, 2007
  • 211


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