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punishment for her pussy!

Lila has been a very bad student as was held after class to finish her work but instead she gets in even more trouble when Maya her teacher bust her drawing naughty pictures and writing bad words on the black board. I m sure you know there s a thin line between love & hate, but as you re about to find out there s also a thin line between pleasure & pain Maya grabs Lila and gives her a hard slap across her face and then bends her over her desk and starts spanking her ass. Maya instructs Lila to get on top of her desk on all fours and then she spanked her ass with a big T- square, bringing Lila to tears before deciding that she had enough. Maya started kissing and licking the hot spots on her ass hoping to cool them down but Im pretty sure she knew that she was only going to make things hotter. Lila turned over and laid on her back spreading her legs open wide and Maya started licking her pussy as she slowly slid her fingers inside. Maya pulled Lilas top down and went to work on

  • 00:24:21
  • Nov 01, 2007
  • 173


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