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the flame and the asshole!

Dark-eyed hottie Kyra Black lifts up her blue denim miniskirt and pulls aside her black panties to cram her fingers up her well-moistened asshole, and then tops that by sticking in a long red candle. She lights the candle for good measure, so then she’s got a fiery tail sticking out of her tush! Removing the candle from her anus, she rubs the wax shaft in her pussy for awhile, then oils her quim and booty before sliding a slender green candle into her butt. Naturally she lights that candle too so we can see the flame dancing a few inches from her sphincter. When she’s finally finished with the candle, she presents her slick crotch to us in closeups so huge you’ll almost be able to taste the oil gleaming on her tawny lady lips!

  • 00:12:08
  • Aug 11, 2008
  • 193


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