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can’t wait to finger herself!

Karla tempts us with her exciting and limber body as she peels out of her pink lingerie! You’ll be “thinking pink” when you see this slender but busty brunette teasing you with her titties, twat, and round delectable ass. She lays back on the couch and rubs her pussy through her panties, then pulls the crotch aside to show off her flowery lips. Bending over, she slides her thong off her cheeks and gives us views of her rosebud, before cramming her snatch and asshole with her nicely manicured fingers. Karla really enjoys frigging herself, but she’s also good at posing like a pinup on her tummy, showing off the stunning shape of her derriere. Then she resumes cramming fingers in her butthole and displays an impressive gape.

  • 00:14:08
  • Jun 17, 2008
  • 137


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