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the very definition of wetness!

Yasmine Gold shows that her name should actually be Yasmine Pink by presenting us with one of the wettest and pinkest pussies that Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews have ever had the pleasure to immortalize! Sitting on a chair while wearing a crotchless bodystocking, Yasmine’s ya-ya is absolutely glistening with excitement as she spreads her thighs and cheeks to invite our eyeballs and accompanying cocks into her cunny world for a stimulating fantasy party. She crams two fingers up her rosebud too and that’s only the beginning of the fun as she’s soon plunging her posterior with a thick orange dildo that fills her fanny like a Mack truck. But Yas is up for even greater challenges and then squats on a pink dildo that almost disappears down to the friggin’ hilt! Meanwhile the juices flow like a waterfall millimeters away at her snatch. Check out this scene and catch her syrup, there’s plenty to go around as it gleams on her flowery lips!

  • 00:17:54
  • Jan 17, 2009
  • 175


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