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elegant but ready for raunch!

Wiska is waiting for you in her sultriest outfit of white bustier, garters, white stockings, and heels, with her hair and makeup in elegant Hollywood glamour mode. But Wiska reveals herself in all her lush beauty, peeling down her bustier to show us her titties and shaved pussy, and then getting down on the floor of the exquisite living room to stick her ass up so we can imagine fucking her doggie style. Stretching out on the rug, she sticks her smooth crotch into the air and looks deep into our eyes and pouts her pink-lipsticked mouth, inviting us to have all sorts of dirty thoughts about her; then lays back down on her stomach and displays that oh-so-spankable rump. Hmm. Looks like Wiska is being a very bad girl, and you’re the one who has to teach her a lesson!

  • 00:15:18
  • May 31, 2008
  • 217


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