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adventures of milfycalla ep 10 the post man

MilfyCalla was anxiously awaiting an important letter that she had been expecting for weeks. She had been counting down the days until it arrived, and today was finally the day. She waited eagerly by her mailbox, but when the postman arrived, he had a strange request.
He told MilfyCalla that he would only give her the letter if she agreed to have sex with him. MilfyCalla was shocked and appalled by his suggestion, but she knew that she had to get the letter no matter what. After much deliberation, she reluctantly agreed to his terms and they went back to his house.
Once there, MilfyCalla felt incredibly uncomfortable and scared, but she knew that she had to go through with it in order to get the letter. After they were finished, the postman handed her the letter and left without saying another word.
MilfyCalla opened the envelope with trembling hands and found out that it contained a job offer from her dream company. She was overjoyed at this news and thanked her lucky stars t

  • 00:08:55
  • Oct 13, 2023
  • 83


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