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seducing us hard!

With the arched, dramatic eyebrows of a real femme fatale, Zoe L Fox looks like she really means to seduce us hard as she narrows her blue eyes and peers into our horny souls while teasing in her filmy black lingerie. Letting us lust over her long legs, this Czech stunner squeezes her tits together in her top, then takes them out of the silky camisole while flashing her snatch under her panty crotch. She slips off the cami and lets us hunger for her booty in the see-through panty lace, then gets on her knees on the couch and pulls apart her cheeks, almost daring us to jump into the picture to display our skills in pleasing a female! Peeling down her panties to where her thighs meet her butt, she encourages our staring at her ass crack before pulling apart her cheeks and letting us glimpse her asshole. Then she lays down on the couch, removes the panties, and gives us a full pussy tease, her skeptical eyes seeming to ask whether we want to fuck her...or remain forever her cunny-licking slaves!

  • 00:08:34
  • Dec 23, 2011
  • 185


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