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hot on her toy!

Tina shows us her prowess with a double-pronged vibrator. She certainly looks like she’s into it as she slips out of her filmy lingerie and elegant black-and-pink-ribbon bra and panties to reveal cute 34B titties and a plump shaver that looks like it’s pouting to be filled. Tina’s tuna looks very tiny, too--one of the smallest pussies we’ve seen lately, and believe us, we’ve seen thousands if not millions! She starts sucking on her dildo and then works it into her slit, clearly enjoying its fulfilling girth and length. As it plunges into her pie, it also teases her asshole. Finally giving in to all her urges, she stands up and fucks herself simultaneously in the vag and butt, leaning over to show us the penetration in giant closeups. Then she sucks it some more before laying across the table and boffing herself in both holes again. One of our members, who calls himself “Anonymous,” wrote of Tina: “I wish to call you wild thing. You just need a man to take care of you, and this man is me.” A lot of us will be feeling this after checking out Tina getting hot on her toy!

  • 00:24:39
  • Mar 17, 2009
  • 183


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