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playfully devilish delight!

Wow, Rose is back and the first thing that pops into our mind is, “Thank Goddess It’s Friday!” Because Rose is one of those blonde goddesses whose every appearance is a gift to the horny eyeballs of guys (and more than a few gals) and her showing up on Friday gives us all a great start to the weekend.This time Rose finds a unique use for a tube of deodorant. After running it along her armpits (sexy shots!!) she then peels down to her lacy light brown bra and panty set and strappy heels. Stretching out on the couch, she uses the deodorant bottle like a dildo, rubbing it along her nipples and down into her pussy folds. She slides the bottle deep into her very accommodating pink, spreading her lips with her slender fingers at the same time. Then she keeps it in her snatch by pulling her panty crotch panel back over her slit. A little while later Rose--with a playfully devilish smile you gotta see--presents us with her butt in doggie style before stuffing her pussy with the bottle in that position. This hot pictorial will set off many fantasies in your head, whether you want to fuck Rose or maybe spank her delectable derriere! Don’t miss it.

  • 00:17:28
  • Apr 18, 2009
  • 214


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