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titties tormented by torpedo!

Silvy V. the V probably stands for Voluptuous but could easily stand for Vixen or Vigorous too. This Busty Czech Blond is as sly as a fox and is as relentless as a cat when she going for the trill. She was up early and rearing to go, getting her chores done so she would have the rest of the day to suck and blow. She starts rubbing and squeezing her tits waiting for his cock to rise then she kneels down and sucks him off while she rubs up and down on her horny twat. She licks and sucks his long thick cock from the bottom up then gives it a bite just to make sure he was awake and alert. Silvy slobbers his throbbing cock standing over him with her legs spread wide, she flicks her tongue across his big fat balls and he fucks her tits with long hard strokes. He licks her boobs and sucks on her big pink rounds, then he cums in her mouth and all over her bodacious rack.

  • 00:26:59
  • Nov 29, 2010
  • 267


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