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taylor moore

Pretty green-eyed Taylor Moore stopped in to let me inspect her perfect cameltoe pussy. She was wearing those clingy pants I love so much, and I could see those plump lips already. I couldn t wait to see it bare and up close. When I gave her a couple of panties to model for me she went above and beyond the call of duty, stretching her legs behind her head.. You ll have to see it to understand. Her pussy lips wrapped around the panties creating a virtual bullseye for cock. But we wouldn t go straight for the bullseye would we? Things got rolling as she gave an incredible blowjob, followed by a classic 69. Of course, the only way we complete inspection is with seriously hard fucking in several positions, just to be sure. Taylor passed, to say the least, and received our special stamp of approval - a Mr.Cameltoe cum facial.

  • 00:30:09
  • Dec 01, 2005
  • 130


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