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masterpiece of nature

Pretty green-eyed Kami from the Czech Republic looks very fetching in her white lace dress. She poses in an elegant room and peels off her clothes slowly and sweetly, even as a golden bust of an ancient lady--part of the room’s decor--looks on. Maybe back in the day the lady was a nude model herself for some great sculptor? Posing is a time-honored tradition, for sure. Kami gets down to her lingerie, teasing us with her thong which she tugs around her neatly trimmed pubic patch. With each move we get to see more of Kami’s 34D-23-37 and 5’8” figure. When she turns around, what a lovely tush comes into view! Really, it is a seriously firm masterpiece of nature. Kami gets on the floor on her knees until she again stands up, takes off her scanties, gives them a sniff, and then leans or sits back to let us study her delectable shaved slit in her nude pics and erotic video! A gorgeous girl indeed.

  • 00:19:12
  • Nov 22, 2011
  • 178


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