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the rope is ready master!!

I am dressed and ready for you, Master. Use me as you will. Thank you for buying me a bra that doesnt cover my nipples. I know they should be shown off at all times. And these boots have such high heels, I have to walk slowly. I know you like to see me walk slowly. It makes me seem even more of a slave as I hobble across the room...the rope is ready, master. Tie me. Bind my wrists. And my ankles too. I like the feeling of being at your mercy. But I know you will be kind in your cruelty. I would never submit to any other kind of I am now, like a doll on the chair. I cannot go anywhere. Yes, if you command I will wiggle and turn around and show you my bottom. And now I will watch while you tie my knees together. You really dont want me going anywhere, do you? You like when I am here for your pleasure. Thats right, move me around on the couch until you find the position that pleases you most. I am just your plaything. But whats that--a dildo too? How clever you are, Mast

  • 00:21:44
  • Jul 16, 2012
  • 192


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