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take a dirty letter, miss pearl!

How’d you like to find Anita Pearl as a secretary in your office someday? You can indulge this fantasy when she shows up in her lacy stockings and miniskirt, sliding off her elegant white blouse and waist-cincher belt to reveal a purple and black lace bustier and matching thong. She climbs onto the desk and makes herself a little pile of books for a platform so that she can sit down and masturbate with a ballpoint pen. With the writing instrument sticking out of her slit, she poses her legs every which way, while looking deeply into our eyes with her mouth in a challenging pout. Taking down her panties to give her snatch and asshole more breathing room, she continues to frig herself with the pen; then peels off her stockings. Once completely naked and barefoot, she poses doggie style on the desk with the pen sticking out of her pussy. So much for getting any work done in THIS office today!

  • 00:19:50
  • May 20, 2009
  • 256


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