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sneaky stepsis is bored & wants to be boned!! - aileeann - mypervyfamily -

Step-siblings can be super annoying. My stepsister Ailee is no exception. We are always fighting & bickering & going at it. My step dad tries to keep the peace before he heads out that day, but as soon as he leaves she starts bugging me again. I m trying to be the bigger person so I leave to my bedroom to avoid any issues, but she follows me in there. She goes from annoying to weird in no time flat. She starts rubbing my leg and saying she won t tell our parents - she pinky-promises. I can t help it I mean... how bad can it be if I just let her suck my dick?? Well.... before you I know it, that leads to me shoving my cock inside her tight teen pussy!! My balls slam against her clit as we fuck, she loves it. I fuck her hard & fast, making her cum all over my cock. She starts sucking it, licking all her cum off it, almost making me shoot my load... and then step Dad walks in! Hey, at least we re not fighting anymore, right!!?

  • 00:30:53
  • Nov 06, 2023
  • 264


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