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fake personal trainer

XWife Karen can’t find a gym nearby. As she’s on the phone with a friend complaining about this, her mailman, Danny Steele, overheard this and decided to show up at her house dressed as a personal trainer. He told her that her friend had scheduled the appointment for her. Unaware of the truth, she let him in. After she changed into workout clothes, he instructed her to start stretching. As she bent over, Danny couldn’t resist himself after taking just on peek at her perfect ass. So he began jerking off. At this moment, Karen caught him in the act and things quickly escalated from there. After a bit of confusion her frown turned upside down when she told him to fuck her instead of jerking off. From there stretched her tight little pussy in several different positions before busting a huge load all over her.

  • 00:42:18
  • Oct 02, 2023
  • 1058


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