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a banana for her splits!

Jeny Baby was just a sweet young teen when she first came through DDF’s doors as a porn amateur over 6 years ago. Watch this now porn veteran’s hot leg casting set today as she demonstrates her flexibility and showcases her tender, nubile body. The suppleness and limberness of this Hungarian brunette babe will have you drooling in no time! Foot fetish lovers will be drooling from the get go when they see her in her black pointed strappy heels, and jaws will drop when she flirts with her toes, but the true bust a load moment comes when she gets into a perfect split on the floor. Oh to imagine if she were to have landed on top of a cock! She’s even able to reach underneath her splits to play with her shaved pussy and give us a little masturbation show. She definitely deserves a banana for those splits!

  • 00:05:07
  • Jan 29, 2013
  • 172


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