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wait till you see this butt!

Newcomer to our site Katia Dé Lys has an amazing behind! Katia starts out in a corset, thong, lacy patterned thigh high stockings and heels, displaying herself in an elegant room. Sitting on a chair, she opens the front of her corset to reveal an alluring bosom with big dark nipples; but it s not until she turns around and gets on her knees that your eyes will really pop when she showcases her phenomenally firm and round butt. Katia s caboose is MUST for all cheek-lovers! She stands up, hands on her hips, showing off her rear, and then she finally takes off the lingerie so we can see her great body completely. She squeezes her titties for awhile, then stands in a doorway with her booty in our direction. Only when she takes down her thong can we view her derriere in all its full incredible splendor, so firm and ready to be patted, kissed, licked, worshipped, spanked, and maybe even fucked!

  • 00:10:15
  • Feb 07, 2012
  • 254


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