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pink cowgirl probes her pussy!

Start your week outdoors with Jordan Pryce in a glittery dress-up mode as she wears shiny silver stockings and heels along with her red-white-and-blue cut-offs and a pink cowboy hat. And her gigantic 32F tits are only covered by the hot pink suspenders holding up her cut-offs! After teasing us in her clothes for awhile Jordan takes out a vibrator and lays down on some pillows on the ground where she pulls aside the crotch of her cut-offs to show the pinkness between her legs. Jordan sucks on her vibrator then slips it into her pussy. Then she stands up and peels down her cut-offs showing us her sexy butt and even more of her big tits. As our DDF cameras come in close she pulls apart her pussy almost turning it into a little pink cavern. Then still standing she goes back to playing with the toy, thrusting it inside her snatch while showing us her asshole. As she stretches out on the ground we see Jordan s shiny silver legs gleaming while she probes herself from behind with the toy. Amazingly throughout most of this activity she manages to keep her pink cowboy hat securely on her head! Attagirl Jordan!

  • 00:15:48
  • Feb 19, 2012
  • 261


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