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slurp those polished pretties!

Let’s give a big creamy welcome to new face Brook Scott as she flashes her bright eyes and big smile and shows off those shapely stems in pink fishnets and strappy black heels. Brook has delicious-looking toes with red polish that prettily peeks through the fishnets, and our cameras get right down on the floor so you can imagine being there ready to kiss her toes! Brook poses against an antique bureau and leans over and squats down so we can enjoy the sight of her amazing butt as well as her legs and peds. She strips off her bra and then leans back on the bureau to pose her gams. She flashes her pussy and then gets on her knees on the bureau, kicking up her legs to accentuate the shape of her calves. Brook takes off her shoes and we get fuller looks at her feet. We see her soles from behind as she curls her sexy toes. Then she stands on the parquet floor in her fishnet feet, takes down her panties, and shows us her asshole and pussy up close. This leads to the very best part of the pictorial and HD video, where Miss Scott peels down those fishnets to reveal her naked toes in all their allure. She then stands on tiptoe so we can see the soles and nude heels. And to top it off, Brook thoughtfully presents her right wrinkled sole up to the camera so we can imagine doing to it whatever we will--like slurping at, and squirting on, those polished pretties!!

  • 00:24:55
  • Jan 18, 2012
  • 185


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