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taking charge

Dominic Ross is a life insurance salesman who stops by Emma Butt’s house to see if she’s interested in an incredible new plan. Thing is, he only knows Emma as a voice over the phone, from when he set up the appointment; so when she comes out in all her best sheer seductive finery to take charge, he’s totally flummoxed, dazzled, befuddled and besotted! Let’s hope he has insurance, too, because will his heart be able to take the pressure of Emma’s boobilicious introduction, crushing his face between her 36F knockers, and then feeling the astounding vein-throbbing pleasure of her talented mouth as she gives him all the cock sucking and balls licking any mortal man can dream of? See these sexy blowjob pics as Emma does deepthroat on his increasingly joyous johnson, using her pierced tongue to work wonders even as she plants her quim over his chin to get a little reciprocal oral action! It all ends with the kind of cleavage gooing we expect for a gal with Emma’s utterly vast endowments.

  • 00:27:09
  • Dec 12, 2013
  • 308


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