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their sex brings color to the world

Two of the hottest blondes in the DDF ranks, Carol and Trisha bring an amazing Techni-color set to Euro girls on girls for our viewing and jacking pleasures! I mean, the girls light up the screen enough as it is, but here it s a room just oozing with vibrant flavors, sexuality and candy for the eyes everywhere!A hot make out session starts the engines on these perfect specimens of the female race and luscious mounds rolls into view when their tops pop off. Trisha gets a rear view sample of Carol s hot tat and then Carol pulls Trisha s black shorts off to enjoy her tight shaved peach that looks like a slice of paradise! Fingers and tongues do their probing and then Carol pops up on the lime green stool to have her little bean flicked by Trisha s dart like tongue while a finger explores her nicely trimmed clam. Two candy colored dildo s come out for the full pussy explorations and the girls enjoy a hot climax on the rainbow rug! Wickedly delicious girl fun!

  • 00:25:22
  • Dec 16, 2011
  • 244


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