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taboo with all the trimmings!

Party girl Tarra White does the unthinkable! Imagine this, you live in a big swanky house with like 2 or 3 other roommates. One of them is a gorgeous redheaded girl that liks to party. One Saturday morning you hear some moaning in the bedroom hallway and then a loud buzzing sound, followed by more moaning! Even some clawing at your door! What do you do?Well, in this case it was the new roommate Tarra White getting down in the hallway after a party. She was SO HORNY that she thought " Hmmmm, let me masturbate out in the hallway, one of my roomies will definitely hear me and come put my juicy pussy out of it s misery!" So she completely gets down, vibing her little peach with the big headed wand. Her pierced nipples glistening and her legs spread eagle. She makes sure to make as much noise as possible and her positioning is insatiable! Her long tattooed legs quiver as the vibrator does a number on her and she cums before anyone can rescue her! I dont know what s up with these roommates, but If I lived in that house, my door would be open all the time!

  • 00:18:24
  • Nov 21, 2011
  • 217


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