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rub-a-dub-dub, footjob in the tub!

Nataly Von, a cute new model who also has a resemblance to the mainstream movie star Kate Winslet, shows up in a tub for us! Luxuriating in the bubbly water, she scrubs her feet with a brush until well-hung Sabby appears and joins her in the bath. He takes over the pampering of her peds, and she reciprocates by washing his cock--with her feet underwater! But his meat soon surfaces like a submarine s periscope in the ocean, firmly clamped between her jacking soles.Miss Von wraps her nimble toes, with their dark-polished nails, around his rod, tugging as he positions himself over her, pouring the shower spray down on his dick and her toes. Then she stands in the tub and strokes him from behind, before sitting over him and rubbing his inches while he leans against her tummy and thighs. Finally she lays back in the tub and pleasures his meat until he blasts his cream all over her insteps. She presents the mess to us in some final closeups before rinsing it off with the shower attachment. Cute gal, hot feet!!

  • 00:27:10
  • Nov 18, 2011
  • 320


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