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tango from the front and the rear!

Mandy Dee get s herself into some serious trouble when she meets up with Timo Hardy. He s sportin a Tango ( military term for a bad guy ) between his legs, and that sucker wants in to every orifice on Mandy s sweet honey kissed body! The couple go from doggy to spoon, to reverse cowgirl, and then flip back into rotation but switching the play field from pussy to ass. Many is a complete trooper as she takes everything Timo is packing, and this kid has a beast between his legs! Some nice close up cum shots of Mandy getting her poundcake rubbed to orgasm and her milky cum shooting off into the distance. Mmmmm, bet it tastes like vanilla! Nice final shot of Mandy suckin Timo s ball sack till he blows, if you make it that far without blowing your own ball sack!

  • 00:28:57
  • Nov 16, 2011
  • 400


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