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double teaming the robot cock!

When Ruth and Tina heard about the new monster that was being built in the DDF laboratories a light bulb went off in their heads! They thought, wouldn t it be cool if we tag teamed that mechanical pussy pumping contraption and just road it s dick right into the dirt! Well they set off on their mission to do so, and here it is!They start off warming each other up by playing a game of lick-a-lotta puss and till their good and juicy for the black rubberized pussy pounders. Once strapped into the machine Tina takes control of it s remote and tries to hypnotize it with her high beam bouncy breasts. I think it worked, because they even stunned me several days after the scene. The pussy, mouth and ass pumping ensues and the girls battle the machine in all positions, leaving no hole un-turned, and by the looks of their pretty smiles afterwards, I d say they were victorious!

  • 00:34:24
  • Nov 11, 2011
  • 217


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