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the gift of posing nude! [part 1]

Say hello to another new face when Lexi Lowe gives us a peek at her lovely body frosted in satiny pink and black lace lingerie and matching ankle-strap heels.Lexi looks friendly and full of fun as she shows off her bust and booty in the scanties, then strips down. She has extremely shapely legs too, and her pussy looks tasty and inviting in its completely shaven state. I really like how Lexi stretches out both on her stomach and her back, waiting patiently for me to take in every inch of her allure and shoot a hot load to show that I appreciate the gift of her posing nude! She gently rubs her pussy, and I wish I could dive into the pictures and give her as much pleasure as her pictures have given me...

  • 00:11:22
  • Mar 23, 2011
  • 191


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