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bright smile, bodacious butt [part]

Celebrate part of your St. Patricks Day with mega-cutie Jessica Lux! (Celebrate the other part with that fine Irish whiskey, Jameson!! I know I will!!!) This dark blonde with the bright smile and unbelievably shapely ass is proof that life is good!! She shows up in black leather pants and a strappy bustier top in the beginning, as if shes about to go out on a hot date. But her date is with YOU, as she juts her butt forward in those form-fitting pants just to get your boner humming! She strips down soon enough, and shows you her pretty pussy and naked asshole. Shes got long shapely legs and when she spreads them on the carpet, youll be stroking in your shorts! Jessica opens her cunny wide and the DDF cameras capture its pink lusciousness in closeups that will fill your computer screen. Jessica sniffs her thong panties and then squats down, showing us the incredible shape of her bottom. It looks so smooth and tasty as her well-manicured fingers part her cheeks. Youll be able to see

  • 00:11:03
  • Mar 16, 2011
  • 166


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