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zafira: the supreme treat!

Zafira has true greatness as a model. I’ve been looking at her pictorials for several years, first as a magazine photo editor and then as a fan, and now as the writer of this newsletter; and I stare slack-jawed in wonder at how fresh and exciting she is every time she appears! She’s one of those rare models who is so sexy that you can jerk off to her when she’s fully clothed.Any guy who would find Zafira waiting for him on a Saturday night would be lucky indeed! She does a great slow tease and strip out of her clothes in this new set, showing us all the necessary elements (you know what they are) and always with that gorgeous Zafira smile and what the French call joie de vivre, or joy of life. Her sparkling eyes are amazing, you could take a vacation in her dimples, and her figure is curvy and womanly like those of the great cinema goddesses of 1960s Europe.

  • 00:16:50
  • Mar 04, 2011
  • 334


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