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mammary perfection

Another model who’s got a lot of fans “addicted” to her is Vanessa from Poland, and here she is again today to satisfy all our cravings! Posing outdoors in a colorful frock with a low-cut yet tasteful bodice, this mahogany-tressed busty pornstar gives us her warm, friendly smile even as she lifts up the hem of her dress to show the black-lace-pantied pussy just below the spectacular line of her cleavage. Our DDF cameras capture Vanessa from all the angles you like--straight ahead, staring down, and looking up at her as the breasty divinity she is!! Hefting her hooters in her red-polished fingertips, she slides her tongue between her ta-tas, just like millions of men would like to do. Taking down her garment, she presents her paps with pride in all their tan-lined splendor, before turning around to give our eyeballs some great tushy vistas too. Vanessa has it all, and she gives us all, as she takes out her sleek black vibe to fuck her snatch while she leans back and pushes her boobs together into a mountain range of mammary perfection! All the time she plays with her pussy in her nude pics and Full HD video, she looks right at us, urging us to get into the picture and shoot our loads all over her rack!!

  • 00:21:33
  • Aug 22, 2013
  • 394


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