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homegirl lets loose

Do you ever wonder what it s like to be a fly on the wall at a DDF photo shoot? Well, wonder no more because today you get to watch in action one of the first photo shoots of Hairy Twatter cutie Victoria, as the girl-next-door looking sweetheart slowly comes out of her shy shell and gets comfortable in front of the DDF cameras. Victoria is all sparkling eyes and smiles as she lifts up her yellow tank top revealing her lovely titties and pulls down her denim shorts to present to us her wonderfully hairy pussy. Then she really lets loose and gets busy with a glass dildo, demonstrating how she sucks cock, and then inserts it into her furry twat. By the end of the session, she looks quite at home as she lays back on the bed, legs splayed open, with her black hightop sneakers still on her feet. Go homegirl!

  • 00:15:42
  • Jul 24, 2013
  • 152


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