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tattooed harlow gets d and inked

Tattoos are cool, but not for me. I believe my body is my temple and you don’t put bumper stickers on muscle cars, you know what Im sayin’ . Well today this nice looking Harlett named Harlow came into the XXX PAWN SHOP, She came in looking to sell her tattoo gun, because she need to pay her rent and keep her tattoo business a float. I asked her where her business was she told me it was at inner circle. Something about that place seemed familiar. She had heard about the XXXPAWNSHOP and how quick and easy it was to get money here, so she attempted to get top dollar for her custom tattoo guns. Like I said I’m not a fan of tattoos, but Seeing them on Harlow was a treat she had a rocking body and I knew I had to get to see more of those things. After looking them once over I gave her a price I knew she wouldn’t like, just so I can snag her and lure her into my SEX DEN. Well Harlow is like a big fish and like any big fish she took the bait, but she fought the good fight. It took a lot of co

  • 00:53:24
  • Sep 30, 2016
  • 724


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