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audrey s sexy little feet

Audrey Bitani is one sexy fox! And this week we have the pleasure of bringing her to give an awesome foot job. You might even say this would be a magical foot job, because of the things Audrey can do with them cute feet! We were shocked to find out that Audrey had never given a foot job until today. So we were just eager to start, and so was she. Sure, some may say that Audrey has many great features, such as her great firm tits, and her tight round ass, even her sexy flat tight stomach and those lips are just perfect for dick sucking, but today none of that matters because Audrey is here to show off those small sexy feet, in which she can do wonders with! I mean just imagine those feet all oiled up stroking your hard cock. Those perfect arches and your cock right in between them just asking to jizz all over them, while the beautiful Audrey is looking at you playing with herself until you jizz all over her sexy little feet. Sounds good to me, so enjoy ;)

  • 00:00:00
  • Jun 17, 2008
  • 191


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