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3some with the step-son

Mayara Lopes was hanging out at the pool waiting for her boyfriend but it was a rainy day. Her step-son Chris Lockwood convinced her that she should put sunblock anyway and that he was the man to do it. He slowly spread the sunblock over her body and the quickly removed her bikini top so he was able to spread it everywhere. He wondered if her new boyfriend already knew about the step-son? Spreading that sunblock made her horny so she did not object when Chris dropped his pants and started to fuck her. Her boyfriend Peter Fitzwell arrived with a beautiful flower bouquet. When he saw his girlfriend cheating on him he dropped the flowers and ran into the house. Mayara caught up with him and convinced him that it was completely harmless, it was only with her step-son. She started to suck his dick when Chris walked in and so she decided to just fuck both. They went though all the obvious 3some positions. One was fucking while the other got his dick sucked. So they fucked and sucked until Ch

  • 00:45:27
  • Sep 25, 2023
  • 1139


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