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naked tennis...simple.

What up everybody? Its your boy Big Lou holding down the fort, while my brother from anotha motha, Preston is on vacation doing what he usually does, pounding sum hot girls. Speaking of Preston, he hooked me up with the sexxy Vivian West and her big booty home girl Drew..thanks, bro! This girls are hot as hell, they got big asses, and they love to work it. So anyways I met the girls at a tennis court, and man did these two vixens look fly..they were down to have some fun wit your boy, so of course they decided to strip down for me, and play some NAKED TENNIS. Let me keep it simple, these girls GOT ASS, and they love to show it off. The ass worship was incredible, i even discovered a new game, bouncing tennis balls off of big juicy booties, I don t got a name for it..but it sure is fun. The girls got all sweaty and horny, so I called up this fool Criss, he got his dick sucked and pounded the girls..but can u believe this shit, his homeboy calls him in da middle of fucking and that punk takes off an I had to call my other homie Mikey, from da old skool, to pound these girls and that he did, and my gir Vivian even GOT SUM ANAL..shit was a classic, Enjoy!

  • 00:00:00
  • Apr 29, 2007
  • 194


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