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doctors orders, foot fucking fantasy

Sultry Doctor Alyssia Kent cums to the rescue to cure all of Vince Carter s ails, and then some in this insanely hot and hardcore 4K premium porn video. As always, Hot Legs and Feet brings you the hottest gams and hunnies in the industry for a dick stiffening sexy leg fetish experience.The absolutely stunning brunette has got it bad for her hot patient from the moment he walks in the door, and her full body physical is like none he s ever received in the past. The Romanian babe is known for her thorough exams, including her special full package assessment and treatment.Watch as the leggy bombshell prescribes a foot-fucking session to be administered by the good Doctor herself. She slides her stocking sheathed lean legs and stripper stilettos up to his cock to cop a feel with her feet to set the mood, and then suggests that he fuck her every which way in her office if he truly wants to walk out of the place feeling like a new man. Vince follows Doctor s orders and gives it to her curvy ass until he can t take his hot all-natural Doc anymore and blows his load all over her toes.

  • 00:30:59
  • Aug 26, 2019
  • 761


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