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stepsister s v card

Cecelia Taylor just got home and is super upset about something that just happened to her. Stepbrother Victor Ray notices her slamming the door and sitting by herself in a corner. He asks her what’s going on, to come sit next to him and talk about it. Cecilia sits down and explains that her boyfriend broke up with her because she is still a virgin. Her stepbrother steps in and comforts her, explains that it’s not a big deal, and that he’d be up to help her lose her virginity. Cecilia is taken back by it at first, but he explains that he’s only her stepbrother, not her real brother. She agrees, they go to the bedroom together and he passionately gets her in the mood and gives her the moment of her lifetime.

  • 00:34:21
  • Sep 24, 2023
  • 68


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