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you are stopped by unknown girls to be humiliated - pov triple spitting femdom on public

You are walking down the street without suspecting anything, and suddenly you see three impudent smoking girls. You couldn t get past because one of them (Sofi) noticed you and rudely ordered you to come up to them. And all just because Agma, Jucн and Sofi are in a bad mood today, so they wanted to humiliate any unfamiliar guy who passes by, and it turned out to be you. How lucky the dominant girls are that you turned out to be both obedient and executive, so they started spitting in your face and in your mouth right in a public place outdoors. A moment ago you were neat, and now your face is completely smeared with the saliva of three unfamiliar girls, but this is only the beginning of your public humiliation. Because then the girls ordered you to lick the dirty soles of their shoes, they wiped the dirty shoes on your face while rubbing their saliva on your face. Then, to further mock you, the girls spit on Agma s boot and ordered you to lick the saliva off it. And in the end, the gir

  • 00:10:17
  • May 18, 2023
  • 1847


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