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dungeon master with a gimp

This was actually Pete s first day on the job, and I must say, he did a great fucking job. We had this hot blonde rocker stud come in with his axe. He said he just broke up with his band and his girlfriend, but all I heard was that he might be desperate enough for a gay time... I mean, good time. I bought his guitar and amp at a good price to gain his trust. Then I offered him a job. He got a job alright (rim job/blow job). I tested the waters by flirting with him while he was changing. He has a hot ripped body. I made sure to stand too close and touch his muscles and tattoos. He squirmed, but he didn t freak out, so I got suited up while Pete kept him busy. By suited up I mean head to toe leather, with a zipper mouth, and a removable crotch, or as I call it, the cock holster. It was gimp time. Okay, this time he kind of did freak out when I got too close, but using cash as a he was sucking dick in no time. Not just that. He had a penis on both sides of him the entire sexy time. He too

  • 00:45:27
  • Aug 17, 2014
  • 125


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